There are so many ways you can make money online, and helping people buying affordable wedding gifts is one of them.
You can start an affordable wedding gift business, create a platform where people can buy wedding gifts and get them delivered to their doorstep.
There are great brands making so much money from this business, Iludio, Lucy is one of them.
Getting Started!
Decide if you want to be selling wedding gifts or you want to be an intermediary where they pay you and then you buy for them and deliver to them. Whichever one you opt for, you can still create a great business out of it.
What Next?
Position yourself as an expert in this business, tell people about your brand and share your business card with people. You can go big by creating a website for it, and list all the wedding items you can buy for them and include the price, when people order and pay on your website, then you buy and deliver to them.
Cost of Startup
This kind of business does not require much capital, it requires that you have a website for it if you want to create a brand out of it. However, you can start with social media first and then later create your own website for it.
Marketing Strategies
Organic Method: You can get great clients via this organic method, word of mouth can go a long way, tell friends and family about your business.
You can also get paying clients on Facebook, Facebook Groups, and Instagram
This method is good and effective, but it takes time to get results.
Paid Advertising: If done correctly, this is the best method you can use to get clients for your business.
Tips: To get great results, use both organic and paid marketing strategies.
Pros and Cons: Wedding Gift and Souvenir is a very lucrative business, but requires that you position yourself as an authority in it. Know how to pick a great gift, know how to negotiate, and know how to do branding and packaging.
Estimated Monthly Revenue: Depending on the number of clients you get monthly, this business has the potential of making you at least $400 to $500 monthly.
Estimated Monthly Cost: You should budget at least $100 for advertisement if you want to see great results.