Ayodele Pamela is the CEO of O.O Ayodele Nigeria Enterprises; a Poultry and Fish Farm.
She started her farm in 2013 but registered the name in 2015.

How She Started
Formerly, Pamela used to buy catfish and eggs, then she saw a vacant land, and after making inquiries on its availability and price, she bought it, and that’s how she got started with Fish Farming.
When she bought the land, she started breeding fish. Later, someone bought 500 Layer Chicks, but the person wanted to sell 100 out of it, seeing that it was cheap, she bought the 100 chicks.
Since she was only involved in Fishery at that time, she pleaded with someone to help her house the chicks. When the chicks started laying, she began to dash the eggs out.
It was then her husband advised her to monetize it instead of just dashing out the eggs, so she started selling them.
Seeing that this was very profitable too, she built suitable housing for the birds, then moved them there, after which her husband supported her to get 500 birds to add to it.
And that’s how she started with Fishery and Poultry without any prior knowledge about that field.
Rain has always been a major obstacle for her.
For the fishes, it can carry them away; for the birds, the cold will be too much for them.
Getting a loan has also been a major challenge.
Read Her Full Story Here: How I Started Farming With Just 100 Birds and No Knowledge of Agriculture
Her Word of Advice to New and Aspiring Entrepreneurs
If you don’t have the time, don’t even bother.