Salami Abolore is the Founder and CEO of Riby.

How He Started
Making our own country and our own continent better was the critical mission that he had.
In 2012, when he was working and earning a salary, he wasn’t clear how people could become financially self-sustainable and that was when the thought of how to make a system that makes it easy for people to create and build wealth became a mission for him.
And that’s how he started.
His core problem has always been how to solve problems that affect a lot of people.
Obstacles and Future Plans
He classifies challenges into 3 main categories; Capital challenge, Talent challenge, and Market forces.
He says those are the 3 challenges everyone faces, and that those have been his 3 key challenges.
Understanding and achieving those 3 have been the beginning of success for him.
Salami’s goals for the future with respect to Riby are to support at least 1 million customers.

His Recommended Books
- Every book by Jim Collins.
- The Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren
- The Richest Man in Babylon – George Clason
- The Holy Bible
- The Holy Quran
Read His Full Story Here: How I Created Riby After 8 Failed Startups
His Word of Advice to Entrepreneurs
People are too fixated on competition as opposed to fixating on the customer. Competition is not what is really important, your customers and how you are addressing the needs of your customers is I think what is important here.
You can connect with Salami on LinkedIn.
Learn more about Riby on their website.